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Richmond Machine Company

Richmond Machine Company (RMC) is a fourth generation family owned and operated steel fabrication and machining job shop.

Who we are.

Richmond Machine Company was founded by Clare Richmond the father of Dean Richmond.  Two of Deans sons, Rob and Lee still own the business today as 3rd generation owners.  Cory and Ryan Richmond represent the 4th generation.  Only about 30% of family and businesses survive into the second generation, 12% are still viable into the third generation, and only about 3% of all family businesses operate into the fourth generation or beyond.

Started in the early 1950’s building meat steamers, hitches, and buggy wheels, RMC became incorporated in 1967 and has grown to it’s current size of 60,000 square feet on 9 acres tucked in the Northwest corner of Ohio.

At Richmond Machining we’re ready to help make your fabrication or machining job a success, please contact us at 419-485-3134 to discuss your fabrication, machining or boring mill needs.

We believe.

Our team believes in giving you our best effort.  We have 11 certified welders on staff certified to both AWS B2.1-1-234:2006 and AWS B2.1-1-235:2006.  We have 6G certified boiler plate and pressure vessel welders also.  Our family owned business has been in operation for nearly 50 years because we do things right, and we treat people right.  We try our best to deliver quality parts for a fair price.  If we don’t, then we make it right.

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